Registration Resources

Registration Resources

Registration occurs semesterly in the Fall and the Spring. You will register for Fall semester classes in/around April and register for Spring semester classes in/around November. During the advising season (the 3-4 weeks prior to registration), students are required to meet with their adviser to prepare for the upcoming semester.

Preparing for Registration


  • Check university degree requirements for your major(s), minor(s), or program
    • Each student will declare at least one major. Students can only have one catalog on record for their degree requirements and are initially under the regulations of the catalog in force at the time of enrollment at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. If a student elects to change to a subsequent catalog, the student is required to complete the degree requirements of that catalog, applying to both general education requirements and major/minor requirements.
    • Students can use the major exploration videos and major pathways as a tool to begin to learn more about various academic majors.
  • Utilize the plan function in the Nest to build out a potential schedule before meeting with your adviser
    • Using the ‘Plan” function in your student portal video
  • Discuss long-term planning to ensure you are enrolling in the appropriate amount of credits each semester.
    • ~15 credits: Average number of credits
    • ~To be eligible for graduation, students need to have successfully completed 120 total credits and 42 (300- or 400- level courses) credits
  • Check for Registration Holds
    • Registration holds will prevent a student from registering for classes.
    • For more information on holds, check out this handout!
  • Know when you are eligible to register
    • Registration is based on the number of credits a student has earned (classes you are currently enrolled in do not count in this total. Once you have resolved all holds, a date and time of registration will appear on your Nest portal. Students can look at their earned credits on their transcript to determine registration time. Accepted transferable credits are included in total number of credits.
      • Freshman: 0-23 earned credits
      • Sophomore: 24-55 earned credits
      • Junior: 56-86 earned credits
      • Senior: 87+ earned credits
  • Refresh on how to register for classes in the Nest
    • Check out this handout that goes through step by step!
    • Watch this video to see a demonstration!


Gain Registration Clearance from your Adviser!

All students are required to meet with their primary adviser to gain registration clearance to register for classes! A registration hold can prevent you from registering for classes.


Who is My Adviser? 

Follow these easy steps to identify your assigned academic adviser in the Nest. All advisers are located on the Student Academic Information page.


Preparing for your Advising Appointment

Your Academic Adviser

You can access your adviser on the ‘Nest’. By selecting the Printer Friendly Course Schedule, a printable version of your schedule will be shown. On that schedule at the top, your adviser will be listed. 

Students are recommended to meet with their adviser at least once each semester prior to the registration period. Ideally, you want to meet with them 2-3 times each semester to discuss goals, degree planning, and other opportunities.

Your Advising Appointment

Look for communication from your faculty adviser on how to sign-up. It is important to book in advance of your registration date and arrive prepared to make the most of your scheduled time with your adviser!


Before for your Appointment

Leading up to your advising appointment, begin to think about questions to ask your adviser about topics such as fulfilling major, minor, general education requirements, prerequisites, class times, extracurricular academic clubs, or general academic questions. See this step-by-step guide to preparing.

  • Start by finding your major and minor requirements located in the course catalog.
  • Review your general education requirements. (You can find tracking forms above for your general education program.)
  • Create a draft of your planned schedule to discuss with your adviser.
  • Bring questions that you have and wish to discuss with your adviser.

During your Appointment

  • Establishing an advising relationship rests with you! Be prepared to engage with your adviser and ask questions. (Not sure what questions to ask? See our Questions to ask your adviser resource!)


Making Schedule Adjustments
  • Connect with your adviser before making any changes.
  • If you want to make a change before the add/drop deadline, you can do so directly via your portal.
  • If you want to make a change after the add/drop deadline, you will need to request a formal course withdraw in which the following should be noted:
    • A final grade of W will be entered on your transcript which does not impact your GPA.
    • If withdrawing from a course or courses will put you below 12 credits, you need to email the following office(s) (as applies) to see how this may impact you:
    • No schedule changes can be made after the course withdrawal deadline has passed. The last day to withdraw from a semester-length course for Fall 2023 is Sunday, September 3.
How Do I Withdraw From a Class?
  • Withdrawing from a course occurs after the Add/Drop period is over. The last day to Add/Drop a course for Fall 2023 is September 3.
  • A final grade of W will be entered on your transcript which does not impact your GPA.
  • To withdraw from a class, students must consult with their adviser, or an adviser in the Student Success Center.
    • Students should complete the Course Withdrawal form located outside the Registrar’s Office located in Saint Mary’s Hall and/ or Student Succes and First Generation Initiative Center. Completed forms should be returned to the Registrar’s Office. If the student’s course is online asynchronous, course withdrawal may occur by a student emailing their course instructor, adviser, and the registrar (
  • If withdrawing from a course or courses will put you below 12 credits, you are advised to email the following office(s) (as applies) to see how this may impact you:
Declaring your Major and Minor

You can declare your major and/or minor by putting in a request to have the online declaration form completed. You can also add, change, and/or drop a major or minor as well. While email is great way to get your information to the correct parties, we highly encourage you discuss your major or minor by meeting with the department chair and/or another faculty member within the department of the major or minor you wish to declare.

Email the following to request a new declaration or a change in declaration:

  • Major or academic minor: Department chair of that major or minor
  • Integratus minor:


Fill out this online Intent to Declare form and a the department chair or another faculty member will follow up regarding your declaration request.


Credits for Transfer

Use the key below to determine who to contact based on the course you have taken or hope to take:

  • Major or Minor – Department Chair of the major or minor (ask your adviser for specific contact information)
  • Integratus – Please reach out to an adviser at

More Transfer Credit information can be found in the catalog under Transfer Credit Policy.